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HCI International News, Number 21, March 2007


HCII 2007 – Plan your Participation

As the upcoming HCI International 2007 Conference in Beijing, P.R. China approaches, it is important that you plan your participation early. Here are a few items you should consider:

  • If you are a paper presenter, you must have already registered and submitted the camera–ready of your paper by now.
  • There is still some space available for Exhibitors. Please contact us should you be interested in exhibiting at the HCII 2007 Exposition.
  • Make your hotel reservations as soon as possible to take advantage of our great conference rates.
  • P.R. of China is a great tourist destination. Register early for the social tours and visit the Great Wall, Ming Tombs, Forbidden City and Summer Palace.
  • Order extra gala dinner tickets for your accompanying person(s), through your CMS account.
  • Apply, through your CMS account, for an official invitation letter, which you can use while applying for a visa to travel to P.R. China. This option will be enabled in your CMS account as soon as the payment for your registration is received.
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HCII 2007 – Poster proposal submission – deadline extended

Poster sessions will accommodate the presentation of late–breaking scientific and professional news or work in progress.

Extended abstracts (maximum five pages long) of accepted posters will be included in the CD/DVD Proceedings only, to be published by Springer. Authors will also have to prepare their posters, which will be mounted on poster boards. Materials for poster presentation may include multiple single sheets of paper, larger posters, pictures, or any other printed materials.

Posters will be exposed in a dedicated area of the Conference Exhibition Hall from 25 to 27 July 2007. During the opening hours of the Exhibition, the authors will have the opportunity to present their posters to the Conference participants.

An abstract of 300 words should be submitted by Monday, 19 March 2007 through the Conference Management System (CMS) and should include the essence of the planned presentation.

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HCII 2007 – Advance Program

HCI International 2007 promises to be an unforgettable cluster of high quality international scientific events, and an ideal occasion to come into contact with the most rapidly evolving ICT market in the world. The program will feature:

  • 20 Pre–conference tutorials
  • Brain–Computer Interface Technology & 2nd BCI2000 Workshop
  • Opening session with the keynote address
  • More than 200 parallel sessions
  • Poster presentations
  • Exhibition including demonstrations by industrial companies
  • White paper sessions
  • Panel sessions involving important stakeholders from Asia and China
  • Closing plenary panel session

The HCII 2007 Advance Program, including information about the 20 Tutorials that will be given, the parallel sessions that will take place during the Conference, as well as the Brain–Computer Interface Technology & 2nd BCI2000 Workshop, is available through the Conference website.

The detailed Program will be available later this month.

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HCII 2007 – Tutorials

Twenty Tutorials are available during HCII 2007. For more information, please visit the conference website.

You can select your preferred tutorial(s) while registering to HCII 2007 through the CMS.

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HCII 2007 – Sponsorship

Organizations wishing to sponsor a special event or to be a general sponsor of the Conference are welcome to contact the Sponsorship Administration.

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HCII 2007 – Job Announcements

HCI International 2007, incorporating 10 Conferences / Thematic Areas and expecting to attract around 2,000 participants from all over the world, promises to be an ideal occasion to come to contact with the most rapidly evolving ICT market in the world. In this context, the Conference Organisers will provide one or more poster boards for job announcements at HCI International 2007. Conference participants who display job announcements may indicate where and when they will be available for a meeting with interested candidates.

For more information, please contact the Conference Administration.

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Brief Book Review: Theories and Practice in Interaction Design

Twenty–two contributions intelligently grouped to cover a variety of areas in HCI, provide an interesting perspective or should I say an Italian perspective on theories and practices of interaction design. Activity, Emotion, Situatedness, Community, Conversation, Memories, Market and In Search of Framework are the 7 parts of this book. Compact chapters help readers to better understand and get familiarized with the topics without getting bored. I found several chapters particularly interesting, including: Participation and Community, Situadedness, Virtual Environments and Haptic Interfaces or Conversations. One might say that some less common terminologies or concepts used in the chapters sometimes make the understanding of the text challenging. However, I think even this complexity along with the philosophical discussions in some sections, generate more thought and make the chapters more interesting. For those who are new to the HCI field the short chapters help readers rapidly learn about a specific topic. The more advanced readers benefit from the variety of the contributions offered. I used several chapters as suggested reading for my HCI courses.

Theories and Practice in Interaction Design, Edited by Sebastiano Bagnara and Gillian Crampton Smith, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Publishers, 2006, 356 pages. ISBN 0–8058–5618–8

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Recent Interesting News and Articles

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IEA International 2008

2nd International Conference on Applied Ergonomics
14–17 July 2008: Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, USA

You are cordially invited to participate in AE International 2008 and the affiliated HAAMAHA conference which are jointly held under one management and one registration. The conference objective is to provide an international forum for the dissemination and exchange of scientific information on theoretical, generic, and applied areas of ergonomics, including physical ergonomics, cognitive ergonomics, social and organizational ergonomics, ergonomics modeling and usability evaluation, healthcare and special populations, safety and ergonomics in manufacturing. This will be accomplished through the following six modes of communication: keynote presentation, parallel sessions, demonstration and poster sessions, tutorials, exhibitions and meetings of special interest groups. The four–day conference will start with tutorials.

More information about IEA International 2008 is available at: http://www.aei2008.org/.

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Upcoming Conferences and Events in the HCI Area



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Conferences Announcement

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HCI International Conference series website

The HCI International Conference series website hosts information about all eleven conferences that have taken place so far, starting from the 1st USA–Japan Conference on Human–Computer Interaction, which was held in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 18–20 August 1984.

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Previous Issues of HCI International News are available online


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Contribute to HCI International News

We welcome your contribution to the HCI International News. Please send us interesting news, short articles, interesting websites, etc. We will consider your comments and contributions for upcoming issues. Please send your contribution to the Editor, Dr. Abbas Moallem.

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About HCI International News

The HCI International News is a newsletter about Human – Computer Interaction topics, the HCII 2007 Conference deadlines and activities, the HCII 2007 Exhibition, news in the area of Human – Computer Interaction, and more. If you have any questions or comments, or if you would like to contribute, please contact the Editor, Dr. Abbas Moallem. The opinions that are expressed in this Newsletter are the sole responsibility of its authors and do not represent any institution or company.

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