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Augmented Cognition

5th International Conference on Augmented Cognition Best Paper Award. Details in text following the image.

Best Paper Award for the 5th International Conference on Augmented Cognition, in the context of HCI International 2009, 19-24 July 2009, San Diego, California, USA

Certificate for best paper award of the 5th International Conference on Augmented Cognition. Details in text following the image

Certificate for Best Paper Award of the
5th International Conference on Augmented Cognition
conferred to

Kevin Dixon (Sandia National Laboratories, United States)
Konrad Hagemann (Daimler AG, Germany)
Justin Basilico, Chris Forsythe (Sandia National Laboratories, United States)
Siegfried Rothe, Michael Schrauf, Wilhelm Kincses (Daimler AG, Germany)

for the paper entitled

"Improved Team Performance Using EEG- and Context-Based Cognitive-State Classifications for a Vehicle Crew"

Presented in the context of HCI International 2009
San Diego, California, USA, 19-24 July 2009

Paper Abstract
"We present an augmented cognition (AugCog) system that utilizes two sources to assess cognitive state as a basis for actions to improve operator performance. First, continuous EEG is measured and signal processing algorithms utilized to identify patterns of activity indicative of high cognitive demand. Second, data from the automobile is used to infer the ongoing driving context. Subjects participated as eleven 2-person crews consisting of a driver/ navigator and a commander/gunner. While driving a closed-loop test route, the driver received through headphones a series of communications and had to perform two secondary tasks. Certain segments of the route were designated as threat zones. The commander was alerted when entering a threat zone and their task was to detect targets mounted on the roadside and engage those targets To determine targeting success, a photo was taken with each activation of the trigger and these photos were assessed with respect to the position of the reticle relative to the target. In a secondary task, the commander was presented a series of communications through headphones. Our results show that it is possible to reliably discriminate different cognitive states on the basis of neuronal signals. Results also confirmed our hypothesis: improved performance at the crew level in the AugCog condition for a secondary communications tasks, as compared to a control condition, with no change in performance for the primary tasks."

The full paper is available through SpringerLink, provided that you have proper access rights.

Last revision date: October 22, 2024
URL: http://www.hci-international.org
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